商品コード: HU841760
・柄長さ:235mm / カーブ
フルターフォッシュ最小の斧。キャンプなどアウトドアに最適なサイズで、ベルトに通して持ち運びが可能。ガーデンでの庭仕事でも活躍しまう。1697 年からの製造方法により忠実に作られた斧は、使えば使うほどに味わいが増し、大切に扱えば今後何年もともに過ごすかけがえのない道具となるでしょう。
This is our smallest hatchet, suitable for hiking in the mountains or in the woods. The hatchet is flexible and easy to use, and it fits perfectly for diverse tasks near the camp site, such as processing fire wood and shelter building. With its short handle and light weight, it is easy to pack in your back pack or attach to your belt. This hatchet has become a favourite among those who enjoy spending time around the camp fire. Hand forged and made from Swedish quality steel in the forge at Hults Bruk. The forging tradition goes as far back as 1697. The axe is named after the nearby lake Ågelsjön, where the water needed to run the waterwheel for the forge was once taken. Take care of your hatchet and it will stay a faithful companion for many years to come.